ီီDamming the Irrawaddy

Risks for women

Sexual violence by Burma Army troops
Sexual violence committed by Burma Army troops against women in ethnic areas has been documented in many reports. The vast majority of rapes committed by Burma Army soldiers go
uninvestigated and perpetrators are not charged. This was true of soldiers providing security for
the Lawpita hydropower project in Karenni State.

In February 2007 four school girls aged 14-1116 were gang-raped by three army officers and
four soldiers in Putao in northern Kachin State. The girls were sentenced for prostitution and only releasd after the case caused international outcry. No details are available about whether the alleged rapists were charged.In the current atmosphere of impunity and state-sanctioned
violence against women, there is grave concern for the safety of local women in the project
area following increased deployment of soldiers to ensure security of the dam.